
deploying this site

I've created a few other personal/resume websites before. My working site was using jekyll and hyde. But I want to create a new site with a basic but sleek feel to it. I was going to use my previous jekyll set up but I couldn't find a way to pass data to my javascript file the way I wanted to. I wanted to be able to have a path such as "/post/##" where ## was a blog spot number. Couldn't find a way to do that so I switched to using Node.js because I knew it would work with that. I hit another roadblock after thinking I was deploying to my GitHub page. It committed and went to I realized it was just my readme file. So I searched for the issue which is that Node.js does not offer suppose for GitHub pages. This lead me to Heroku. I'm having a key problem. I want to hide my blog id and blogger api key but don't know how to accomplish this task at the moment. Right now, I am accessing a hidden file named "config.js" whic